Michael Delohery, Wife and One Daughter
These pictures are from passports issued in 1924. Michael Delohery decided to take his wife and one of his daughters on a trip to see, in his words, “all countries.” It was a 6-month trip. He deserved the vacation as he kept my grandfather employed for many years! He must have known something because three years later, he passed away.
The first picture is of Michael. About all I can say about him is he really did look wealthy! Also, he kind of looked like “My Little Margie’s father.
Picture number two means the most to me because family resemblances can give you a glimpse of what someone who you don’t have a picture of might look like. The picture is of Catherine Keenan Delohery. She is the sister of my great grandmother and now, because my great grandaunt traveled around the world, I have some idea of what my great grandmother, Anna Keenan Lathrop, might have looked like.
The last one is of Mary Bridget Delohery. She looks a lot like her mom! With her comes a little story:
When she was growing up, she lived with her family on 58 Main St, Danbury. As far as I can tell this is where Tom Greene’s Funeral home is. Since our great grandparents once lived in Nellie Delury’s Funeral home, it’s fair to conclude some of our relatives had a strange attraction to Funeral Parlors. BUT! As they say on the radio commercials, Wait! There’s more!!!
When Mary Bridget went on this trip, she was single but she got married the next year, in 1925. Who did she marry?? Well, it was the one and only John Clarence Freeland! So, as soon as they married, she moved in with him to 91 West St, Danbury! Mary Bridget Keenan Freeland was our 1st cousin 2 times removed. Therefore, John C Freeland must have been our 1st cousin 2 times removed-in-law. I never would have thought I was related to him in any way shape or form but I am!
The following is from the 1949 Danbury City Directory.